When you enjoy going out and trying different food like we do why not write about it and put out there for the world to see. So that’s what we decided to do. We aren’t professional judges; we aren’t even chefs. We do however know what we like, and we know what good food tastes like. We also have some strong opinions on how some things should be prepared and we’ll share those also. You never know where we’ll be, sometimes in the US and sometimes abroad, but what you can count on is an honest opinion.
We hope to bring you engaging material to read and thing about. We also hope to spur you on to try food from different cultures, don’t be afraid to try new things. You might find good stuff in the features section of the site as we will talk about all kinds of things, from why you need a wok to which crab is best to eat. We’ll have section about movies in food, like why is Brad Pitt in almost every scene of Oceans 11 always eating something. Seriously, the guy seems to always have food in his hand. I reckon, the point is, you never know what you’ll find here, but it will always be about food.
Please join us on this journey and see the places we go, and the food we eat. We’ll share it all with you.
Grumpy Man